EVERYONE has a role to play, whatever you're doing.

That's the simple message from Middlesbrough Mayor Andy Preston as he urges the town to keep up the fight against Covid.

As of Friday (today), Middlesbrough's infection rate was 36.2 per 100,000 of population. The town remains on the government's Covid watchlist.

Mayor Andy Preston said: "There's been so much talk of lockdown in the North East and only by everyone being responsible will we avoid new restrictions in Middlesbrough. I've been really impressed by what I've seen from businesses in recent weeks and I know the vast majority of people are doing all they can to beat the virus.

"But we can't let up. We're at a critical point, the government is watching our rate closely. Whatever you're doing over the next few days, please keep Covid in mind and act responsibly for the good of people's livelihoods and mental health."

Middlesbrough Council is keen to stress how everyone, whatever they're doing, can play their part and has today given five examples.

Boro fans at the Riverside

The trial game on Saturday will see 1,000 fans inside the stadium for the game with Bournemouth.

Fans are urged to travel by car to the game, taking advantage of free parking, and to avoid sharing transport with those they don't live with.

Supporters should also wear a face covering whenever they're in close contact with others.

Council street wardens will be positioned outside the West Stand and on the main pedestrian routes to the ground.

Middlesbrough FC have published detailed guidelines for fans here: www.mfc.co.uk/news/information-for-fans-attending-the-riverside-stadium

Parents on the school run

Children and their families across Middlesbrough have adapted incredibly well to the new routines designed to maintain social distancing, Middlesbrough Council has said.

Some schools have expressed concern about parents congregating closely together before or after school.

Everyone must try and stay two metres from those they don't live with and not gather in groups around school entrances.

Certain schools have also issued guidance on the use of face coverings.

Playing sport

Organised sport is exempt from the rule of six, but precautions need to be taken.

The more contact you have with different people, the more likely you are to be infected.

Therefore it's essential to wash your hands regularly and wear a face covering indoors when social distancing isn't possible.

Sharing transport to and from sport matches also presents a risk.

Sharing transport with those you don't live with is to be avoided where possible.

If it can't be avoided there is specific government guidance here: www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-safer-travel-guidance-for-passengers#travel-safely-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak

Families watching junior sport

The Middlesbrough area is a hotbed of junior sport and hundreds of families will watch children take part in training sessions or matches this weekend.

Because of the numbers of people attending pitches and leisure facilities, it's vital that everyone washes their hands regularly and keeps two metres apart from those they don't live with while spectating. Sharing transport with those you don't live with is to be avoided where possible.

If it can't be avoided there is specific government guidance here: www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-safer-travel-guidance-for-passengers#travel-safely-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak

Visiting pubs or restaurants

When seeing friends and family you do not live with, remember you should not meet in groups of more than six.

You should keep a safe distance - two metres where possible - from those you don't live with.

It's also important to choose your venues carefully.

Are they collecting proper test and trace details?

Is there sufficient space between tables?

Wash your hands regularly and cover your face in any shared transport travelling to and from your night out.

It's vital that anyone with coronavirus symptoms isolates along with those they live with.

Only people with symptoms should book a free test online or by calling 119.

The symptoms of coronavirus are a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change to sense of taste or smell.