A DESERTED site greeted dozens of people who booked coronavirus tests at a supposed Covid-19 testing station in Sunderland.

Around 50 cars were parked up at the Doxford Park testing site in Sunderland, just hours after it was announced the city would be subject to local Covid-19 restrictions in a bid tackle rising infection rates in parts of the North East.

But those hoping to be tested this afternoon were met with no tent or other infrastructure, no staff to swab them and no officials to explain what had happened.

The Northern Echo:

Doxford Park was devoid of a testing site Picture: PA

HGV mechanic Brad Cockburn took the afternoon off work unpaid to make a 100-mile round trip from Bedale, North Yorkshire, to the site on the out-of-town business park.

The 28-year-old told the PA news agency: “There’s no organisation, it’s p***-poor performance as usual.”

Mr Cockburn’s employer booked him the test as he felt as if he had flu-like symptoms and he is now unable to return to work until he receives the all-clear.

“They’re supposed to put these things in place to get people working again,” he added.

“Now they’ve got all these people congregating here and nobody to test them.”

Cash and carry manager Rob Reid, from Sunderland, was among those to book a coronavirus test and travel to the site – only to find out there were no swabs available.

The 58-year-old said: “My concern is about my health and it comes across that the Government is not that concerned, when they are taking bookings on the NHS website and there’s nobody here to do it.”

The Northern Echo:

Rob Reid from Sunderland Picture: Tom Wilkinson/PA

Mr Reid was among dozens of people attempting to get a coronavirus test.

When another driver was asked how he felt, he simply replied: “Stressed.”

A bus driver from Washington, who asked not to be named, had also been given the day off by his employer after he came into contact with somebody who has tested positive for coronavirus.

He tried throughout the day to book a test at Doxford Park online as well as turning up to the site in person.

He was sent home and told to try again to book a test online and he was eventually successful in getting a 4pm slot.

However, when he arrived, there were no tests taking place.

He said: "The bloke said 'they have all gone home for the day'.

"I went and parked up with about six other cars, waited about half an hour but there was nothing going on, no-one was there.

"It made me feel a little bit angry, I have obviously been trying to get a test all day.

"It is something I need to know (whether he has Covid) because I have kids in the house and I am a bus driver, so very much out in the public."

Elsewhere, those trying to get a test in Lewisham, south London, were met with scenes of “absolute pandemonium” and “chaos”, according to one person who was turned away.

Henry Bull, 29, said he cycled around five miles from his home in Peckham to his nearest testing site in Lewisham after booking an appointment online because he had a cough.

“I biked down there for about 10, 15 minutes before my appointment time and there was just absolute pandemonium, chaos,” he told PA.

“The entire junction is gridlocked with cars queuing to get into it, loads of car drivers getting out and shouting at each other to move out of the way.

“Meanwhile, once you actually get to the site, nobody has received the QR code that you have to have to get tested.”

The Northern Echo:

Not much testing going on at Doxford Park today

Mr Bull said there were “lots of very angry people” shouting at each other and the staff, while one woman who had been queuing for four hours burst into tears after being told she would not be seen.

“A pretty horrible, stressful situation all round to be honest, lots of very upset people, presumably several of whom have Covid as well so exposing a lot of us to infection,” he added.

Mr Bull said they were all asked to leave without getting tested, and he did not know how he would now be able to get a test.