A CHARITY raffle has raised over £700 for a rare cancer charity, which took life of popular 28-year-old married father

Community fundraiser Joanne Hammond, Manager of Poundland on High Row, Darlington leant her full fundraising force to organising a charity raffle in aid of AMMF, the UK's only cholangiocarcinoma charity, after she read news of the tragic passing of Liam Newton, who passed away from the rare type of liver cancer in May.

Within 24 hours of appealing to her friends and Poundland customers for gift donations towards her charity raffle, Joanne secured gifts worth in excess of £400.

"So many people remember Liam, and know his wife Jacqueline and four-year-old son Tommy whom he sadly left behind, so felt compelled to support the raffle to raise awareness for a devastating cancer against which he had so bravely fought," said Ms Hammond. "It was a privilege to organise the raffle, and I was so pleased that Jacqueline was able to attend the draw on Sunday and that Tommy was able to select the winning raffle tickets."