THE UK is a nation of pet lovers with an estimated 51 million pets currently living in households across Britain.

Dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits are among our favourite animals with man's best friend, the hound being Britain's number one.

But with ownership comes the responsibility to make sure you and your pet do not fall foul of the dozens of laws, that can sometimes fetch you some pricy fines.

From failing to microchip your cat or dog to forgetting your dog poo bags, research led by pet food brand Webbox has revealed nine of the UK's most obscure pet laws that are currently in force. 

Not having spare poo bags on walks

As a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to carry poo bags on every walk and pick up after your pet, but do you always carry spares.

Some councils enforce fines of up to £100 if dog owners are caught without a spare poo bag. So, if you’ve been spotted after throwing away your dog’s mess, but don’t have a second spare bag at hand, you could actually be fined.

Drinking alcohol and riding a horse or cattle

We all know it’s illegal to drink and drive, but did you know it’s actually illegal to ride a horse or cattle while under the influence? Under the Licensing Act 1872, it’s illegal to be “drunk while in charge on any highway or other public place of any carriage, horse, cattle…”. So, if you find yourself planning a night on the town, you’re best off leaving your horse or cattle at home, as well as your car.

Encouraging your pooch to bark

Barking is not an usual occurrence if you have a dog, however you could land yourself in trouble if you happen to encourage your dog to bark on the Lancashire Coast, where it’s illegal to incite your dog to bark unless instructed to do so by a police officer.

Burying your pet in the wrong place

Losing a pet is never easy, especially if you’re left with the heartbreaking task of laying your companion to rest. And the law states that it’s illegal to bury your pet anywhere other than the grounds of the home it lived in, but you must own that home, not rent, and your deceased pet must not be a classed as being hazardous to human health.

Letting your dog mate with the Royal’s dogs without permission

The likelihood of stumbling upon Her Majesty the Queen’s corgis whilst on a walk with your pooch is probably quite low, however it’s an offence for your pet to mate with a pet from the royal house without asking permission first. This law once resulted in executions before the death penalty was abolished, although thankfully you’re now more likely to just land a fine.

Failing to buckle up your pet

Many owners choose to travel by car when taking their pet long distances, but you could be fined up to £5,000, and have your car insurance invalidated, if you fail to buckle up your pet.

As well as being a distraction when driving, unrestrained pets are just as susceptible to the effects of a car accident as humans. All pets (not just cats or dogs) should be suitably restrained where possible by feeding the seat belt around cages and pet carriers. Alternatively, you can purchase pet-friendly seat belts which attach to your regular seat belts. 

Running cows through the streets during the day

If you happen to keep cows, you’d best keep them off the street in the daytime. The Metropolitan Streets Act of 1867 states that ‘no cows may be driven down the roadway’ between the hours of 10am and 7pm. There are exceptions though, and you can have your cows on the streets if you receive prior approval from the Commissioner of the Police.

Having a pigsty at the front of your house

According to the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, it’s a criminal offence to have a pigsty in the front of your house, unless appropriately hidden. So, if you’re the owner of a pet pig, make sure their pigsty is in your rear garden, or out of sight.

Not microchipping your pooch

It’s not a weird law, but it’s one soon-to-be pet owners may forget. The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015, makes it mandatory for all dogs to be microchipped and you could be issued with a fine, or even prosecuted, if you fail to do so.