CRACOE and Rylstone Primary School in Craven has received the first grant from the new Swinden Quarry Natural Environment Fund.

Pupils received £2,000 to create an allotment and wildlife garden on land next to the school.

A total of £30,000 will be available each year through the fund, for the next 20 years, for projects which conserve and enhance the environment in the 13 parishes around Swinden Quarry.

Project ideas are being invited now, with a deadline of April 27 for the first round of applications.

The money is coming from Tarmac, which owns the quarry, while the grants are being administered by the National Park Authority.

The Executive Co-Headteacher of the Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation, Ella Besharati, said: “We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of Tarmac, our local ward councillor David Pighills, the Cracoe Village Hall Committee and so many members of the local community in bringing this project to fruition. We are absolutely delighted to have this additional space, as we are seeing more and more the educational benefits of nature-based and outdoor learning.

"The children had recently started weekly cookery lessons, which they loved, and they were particularly excited about the prospect of cooking with what they had grown themselves."