A SCHOOL has been praised for offering "outstanding" care and support to pupils following a recent Ofsted inspection.

Inspectors visited Bishop Barrington School Sports With Mathematics College, in Bishop Auckland, last month and released the report on Monday.

It said: "Teachers and other adults are dedicated in supporting and valuing all students, whatever their ability or background.

"The care they provide is outstanding, particularly for vulnerable and looked-after children."

The inspectors said it was "a good school which provides good value for money. Standards are rising year-on-year and are improving at a faster rate than in most other schools".

The report added: "Students achieve well, because they are well taught, attend regularly and are generally motivated to learn."

The report said specialist college status had a strong impact and participation rates in sport were increasingly "dramatically".

The school was also praised for its links with other providers and institutions, including Bishop Auckland College and Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, in Darlington.

Headteacher Bruce Guthrie said: "This is a very pleasing report.

We were delighted that the inspectors confirmed our view that our school is a good one and has improved from 2003 when it was judged to be satisfactory.

"What pleased us most was the recognition that our care and guidance for all our students is outstanding.

"This is a main reason why, in Bishop Barrington, all children make much better than expected progress from age 11 to 16, when compared to national performance of schools.

"I was pleased that the inspectors recognised how supportive the parents - another good reason why so many of our children make so much progress."