YORKSHIRE has become the first county in the UK to pilot a scheme to tackle the problem of unemployed and under-trained teenagers.

The Regional Learners' Panel was launched yesterday and will include members aged 19 to 89.

The panel aims to provide a forum for all adult learners, with a focus on getting 16 to 17-yearolds back into work or training.

The Minister for Yorkshire and the Humber, Caroline Flint, met a group of adult learners when she launched the panel in Doncaster yesterday morning.

The panel will complement the work of the National Learner Panel set up last year.

Ms Flint, who took part in an open discussion with learners and guests, said: "The launch of this panel is an exciting and important step in the whole education, learning and skills mix, and I am delighted to attend and to give it my support.

"One of my priorities is the ten per cent of 16 to 17-year-olds not in education, employment or training in the UK live in the Yorkshire and Humber area.

"We need to urgently address the skills barriers that are preventing these young people from looking for work, or, once in work, preventing them staying and progressing within a job.

"This means ensuring that all young people have basic numeracy and literacy skills."