MAYOR OF STOCKTON MARGARET Waggott stated that Stockton Borough Council's constitution specifically provides that, each year, the longest-serving councillor who has not previously served as mayor and agrees to their name being put forward will be nominated for the forthcoming municipal year (HAS, Page 11, Oct 19).

Readers may have got the impression that this has always been the case.

What she omitted to say was that it is just in the past three years that the longest-serving councillor has been nominated, if they agree to serve as deputy mayor for the first year, then mayor for the year after.

In previous years, the mayor was chosen by members regardless of length of service, and this is where favouritism and cronyism comes into play, because an additional payment of £17,000 is paid to the mayor for that year.

The rules could change back to the previous selection method some time in the future.

As an official, Ms Waggott was only notified of the decisions taken by elected members after negotiations had taken place following the May 2005 council elections.

Therefore, comments in my letter (HAS, Oct 5) were correct.

- Keith Dewison, Billingham.