A CHURCH will celebrate its 150th anniversary at the weekend.

Members of the congregation of St Andrew's United Reformed Church, in Blackhill, near Consett - known throughout the area as The Pres - have planned two days of activities for the occasion.

They hope the events will raise money to be distributed to charities in the area. Consett Detached Young People's Project, which provides opportunities for teenagers, and The Royal Victoria Infirmary's Tiny Lives Fund, in Newcastle, are set to benefit.

The congregation regularly helps charities that work with people around the world.

Church elder Susan Dick said: "It's wonderful to be able to help others, and a lot of people enjoy doing work like this because it is their chance to give something back to the community.

"A lot of hard work has gone into the anniversary celebrations, and we hope as many people as possible will come to visit our church."

The formation of a Presbyterian church in Blackhill was the result of the expansion of industry in the mid-19th Century.

The congregation began worship in the Tin Mill School, in Derwent Street, on July 27, 1857.

On August 4, the mission was granted the status of a preaching station, with 112 members, and on November 8, the congregation was given the power to call a minister.

Today, the minister is the Reverend Jan Maxwell.

A brochure has been created to commemorate the anniversary.

She said: "The history of a church can be told in bricks and mortar, and its building can be a presence, even a landmark in the town.

"In Blackhill, St Andrew's has been a strong presence for 150 years.

"I consider it a great privilege to be minister at St Andrew's as it celebrates its 150th anniversary, and hope and pray that their witness will continue for many years to come."

On Saturday, the church will be open from 11am to 4pm, with displays, a photograph exhibition, organ music, sponsored psalm readings and decorated windowsills. Refreshments will be available throughout.There will be a concert by the Leadgate Gleemen, which starts at 7pm, and costs £3.50.

On Sunday, there is a Communion service at 10.30am and the church will be open to visitors from 2pm to 4pm.