A COMMUNITY stalwart has been praised for her efforts in brightening up a town.

Doreen Myers was named as Guisborough Town Council's Citizen of the Year.

The accolade was in recognition of her work as one of the founding members and former chairwoman of Guisborough Town Pride.

She was unable to be attend the ceremony, so Guisborough Town Pride vice-chairman George Pearson accepted the award on Mrs Myer's behalf during a reception at Sunnyfield House, on Tuesday.

Town Council chairman Malcolm Griffiths said: "Doreen formed Guisborough Town Pride 11 years ago because of the strong feeling she had about the deterioration of the town centre.

"Since that time, Guisborough Town Pride has provided the seating and flower tubs throughout Westgate. She made repairs to the Market Cross flower display at the entrance to the town and, as a result of Town Pride, other projects have come - important projects such as the Priory Project and the Chapel Beck Project.

"Guisborough Town Pride has made a difference to Guisborough and of the tens of thousands of pounds that have been spent, the Town Pride raised its own money."