AN outdoor show retelling the history of England has received a prestigious inclusively award.

Kynren – An Epic Tale of England earned a bronze medal by Attitude is Everything, a charity dedicated to improving deaf and disabled people’s access to live music and events.

The Bishop Auckland show, which opened with its 50th Anniversary performance on Saturday, June, 29, received the award as part of a UK-wide charter of best practice compiled by the charity.

Over 125 venues and festivals have already signed up to the charter, adopting it as an industry standard for accessibility at live music events and agreeing to be mystery shopped by a team of deaf and disabled volunteers.

“Eleven Arches has done a great job of ensuring their spectacular show Kynren is accessible to everyone, including training their large volunteer team in disability equality and providing comprehensive access information for disabled customers, ” said Gideon Feldman, head of programmes and business development for the charter.

“The ethos of the charter is that deaf and disabled people should be as independent as they want to be at live music events,” he added.

Anne-Isabelle Daulon, of Kynren, said she was delighted to have received the award and is committed to working with Attitude is Everything to further enhance the experience.

She said: “We are continually developing our accessibility to ensure this world class production can be enjoyed by everyone. Our next goals is to reach silver and then gold status.”