FOUR peregrine falcons born in the Yorkshire Dales this spring have taken their first flights.

Initially only three downy heads could be seen popping up as the adult female fed them in their nest at Malham Cove, but as the chicks got older and started to wing flap, better views confirmed there were four of them.

Over the past two weeks the young have taken to the skies but will be dependent on the adults for food for quite some time.

They will spend the next few weeks staying close to the nest site, practicing their flying skills.

The Northern Echo:

Anthony Hills from the RSPB said: “It’s so exciting to see four peregrine chicks taking to the skies. Last year we had two so to have double that number this year is incredible."

Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority Wildlife Conservation Officer, Ian Court, added: “This is brilliant news as once again the Malham peregrines have done us proud, and it is great to see the young take to the air.

"We are looking forward to the highlight of our peregrine season as we hope to spend the next few weeks watching the youngsters hone their flying skills right above our heads."

The free public viewpoint is open from Thursday to Monday.