THE criminal investigation into a suspended assistant chief constable has been taken over by the national law enforcement agency, The Northern Echo can reveal.

A senior officer at Cleveland Police – understood to be Assistant Chief Constable Adrian Roberts – was arrested and suspended earlier this month.

But the force has refused to reveal the nature of the allegations brought against him.

Now the criminal investigation into the matter has been taken over by the National Crime Agency.

An NCA spokeswoman said last night: “The NCA has been asked to independently investigate allegations relating to a senior police officer from Cleveland Police.

“As the investigation is ongoing so we cannot provide any further detail.”

She said the nature of the allegations was being kept under wraps for now for operational reasons.

The NCA is the country’s lead agency against both organised crime, trafficking, cyber crime and economic crime that goes across regional and international borders, but it can also be tasked to investigate any crime.

It works closely with regional organised crime units and the Serious Fraud Office and is also the point of contact for international forces such as Interpol and Europol.

Mr Roberts was arrested and suspended on suspicion of gross misconduct this month.

He was released under investigation.

Cleveland Police’s disciplinary investigation is on hold while the NCA inquiry is ongoing.

A referral was initially sent to the Independent Office for Police Conduct which said the alleged conduct matters had taken place outside of England and Wales so they fall outside its jurisdiction.