A NORTH-EAST security guard has spoken of his pride after being crowned the strongest man over 40 in Britain.

Gary Gardner, 40, from Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, emerged victorious in the Ultimate Strongman Strongest Master UK contest, held in Spennymoor at the weekend.

Gary said: "It hasn't really sunk in yet that I won, but I'm very proud to have taken the title, especially since there were competitors there from all over England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

"I hadn't really done any extra training for it, so I didn't expect to win, I just thought I'd enter for the fun of it. I was quite surprised to win, but I'm happy, it's a real achievement."

Twelve of the UK’s strongest men over 40 met at JP Fitness to compete for the title, but it was Gary who demolished the competition.

Gary, who works as a secuity guard at James Cook Hospital, has in the past been named England's Strongest Man, the North-East's Strongest Man, and has previously achieved third place in Europe's Strongest Man.

He will go on to compete in the Masters World Championship 2019, in Belfast, this May. The competition will be televised by Channel 5 at Christmas.

Gary added: "It'll be great to compete against some of the best in the world in Belfast, but I'm going to keep going with the same attitude that got me this far: it's a bit of fun, and I'll do my best."

Mark Lawson, Northern Organiser for Ultimate Strongman, said: "It was great to see such a high standard of competition. Despite the weather, the atmosphere was very postive, everyone had fun and gave it everything they had, and we had no injuries, which is always good.

"We're very excited to see Gary go on to compete at the world-class level in May."

The UK Masters competition consisted of five events:

  • Log lift: lifting a 120kg log above the head, most reps within one minute
  • Deadlift: deadlifting the most weight, starting at 200kg, and increasing until a winner is named
  • Frame carry: carrying a 300kg frame 30 metres in the fastest time
  • Super yoke: carrying a 340kg yoke 30 metres in the fastest time
  • Barrel lift: carrying five 120kg barrels 15 metres each, and stacking them on a plinth in the fastest time.

Event organisers also took the opportunity to raise money for the North East Autism Society, by collecting donations, and selling charity wristbands throughout the competition.