A TRIAL of issue is to be held in the case of a man who claims he was only carrying a knife as he was about to return it to the owner.

That was what Sam Rudland told police in interview after his arrest for vehicle interference and possessing a knife in public, in the early hours of March 20.

Durham Crown Court heard that cctv surveillance cameras picked up three young males apparently trying car door handles in Seaside Lane, Easington Colliery, shortly before 1.30am.

An officer spotted Rudland, wearing a trilby hat, in Welfare Close, off Seaside Lane, where he walked to the corner of a building and placed something down.

Jonathan Walker, prosecuting, said the officer recovered a knife, with an 8 - 9in blade, and Rudland was arrested.

The defendant, 30, of Yoden Road, Peterlee, appeared before magistrates the following day and admitted motor vehicle interference, possessing a knife in public and committing an offence during the period of a suspended sentence.

Due to the breach, the magistrates sent to the case for sentence at crown court.

Neil Bennett, for Rudland, said he told police he only had the knife as he was intending returning it to the owner.

Judge Christopher Prince said he was not prepared to accept that account and adjourned for a trial of issue, or Newton hearing, to be heard by him, on May 23.

The judge remanded Rudland to remain in custody in the meantime.