DURHAM Cathedral resembled the set of television show Gladiators when it hosted a youth event.

More than 130 ten to 19-year-olds gathered at the cathedral on Sunday for The Pulse.

The event, now in its eighth iteration since it was launched in 2016, gathers Church Youth Groups together to share fun and worship.

On the night, the Growing Young Leaders' worship band was launched and Warren Furman, better know as TV's Gladiator Ace, was the special guest. Mr Furman, who works with young people across the Northern Province of the Church of England, gave his own testimony on how the trappings of fame and fortune left him empty of any spiritual substance and ultimately lead him to faith four years ago.

Members of each youth group took part in a jousting tournament at the end of which organiser Andy Harris, Diocesan Leader of Youth Mission and Ministry, battled Ace for the title and narrowly missed out– but provided plenty of laughs before worship. Youngsters also set up prayer stations for people to pray, leave notes to God and hang prayers on a tree. And Mr Furman took along a body armour prop warn by Russell Crow in the film Gladiator, which youngsters enjoyed trying on.

He said: "This was purchased by a collector at auction for many tens of thousands of pounds. We are thrilled to be able to use it as part of the work we do going around the province talking to young people about faith."