A COMMUNITY safety partnership in Newcastle is backing a police taskforce set up to tackle motorcycle disorder in the North East – by funding a groundbreaking new DNA spray to tag offenders.

Northumbria Police has a specialist team to tackle antisocial behaviour and disorder linked to motorcycles, which is often linked to serious criminality including violence and drugs.

Dozens of people have been arrested by the team and last week the task force seized a hoard of stolen property, weapons, drugs and fake number plates in a string of dawn raids.

Their work, alongside partners on the Safe Newcastle board, has already led to significant reduction in reports of motorcycle disorder across Newcastle and Gateshead.

Safe Newcastle, which brings together Northumbria Police, Newcastle City Council, Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service and health professionals, has now provided police with funds to use a specialist DNA spray to deal with the problem.

Police officers will carry canisters of an invisible water-based UV solution which can spray riders’ skin, clothes or bikes with a uniquely-coded dye which can provide forensic evidence to link individuals or items to a specific crime.

A pilot scheme across Sunderland and South Tyneside led to a 70 per cent fall in reports.

Councillor Habib Rahman, chair of Safe Newcastle and Newcastle City Council cabinet member for communities, said: "This is a fantastic piece of kit which has proven to be effective in combating a problem area which is a real concern for residents of the city.

“It is pleasing to see the Safe Newcastle partnership in action working to tackle to issues that matter and we are proud to be able to support Northumbria Police in keeping our communities safe.”

Detective Inspector Mal Stratton, who oversees the work of the team, said: "We set up this team because we knew there was serious criminality linked to what, on the face of it, appeared to be anti-social behaviour and nuisance motorcycle activity.

“There may be some who think these are just bored teenagers who have nowhere to ride their motorcycles but that is not the case.

“Over the past few weeks we have seized significant quantities of drugs, a huge amount of weapons and a host of stolen motorcycles.

"Our task force have been able to do that because they have used a host of different tactics and this DNA spray is just another tool to their belt.

"It has a proven track record of success in Sunderland it has reduced incidents by more than two thirds and we are thankful to Safe Newcastle for providing the funding for it.

"We will use it in our plans to target serious criminals but we will also look at preventative tactics, that includes identifying diversionary programmes for young people."

To send pictures, video or intelligence to the task-force email operationbenelli@northumbria.pnn.police.uk or call Northumbria Police on 101 and ask for the Operation Benelli team.