THE planned closures of two surgeries covering a rural area of County Durham has prompted a council to fight to save and improve health care services.

Yesterday Skerne Medical Group (SMG), which has surgeries in Sedgefield, Trimdon Colliery, Trimdon Village and Fishburn, announced it was reviewing operations with the aim of keeping a maximum of two sites.

The group has cited a shortage of GPs as the reason behind a proposal which could see its Trimdon Village surgery and one other close from January 2019.

Last night Trimdon Parish Council leader Cllr Paul Trippett spoke of the authority’s intention to campaign against the scrapping of primary care in Trimdon Village and to call for improved services.

He said: “We are not just fighting to save the present surgery at Trimdon Village - which is a disgrace and not fit for purpose - but what we will be campaigning for is a doctor’s surgery and a full range of primary health care services delivered in Trimdon Village for the people of Trimdon Village.”

Last year SMG temporarily closed the Trimdon Village surgery due to a GP shortage.

Trimdon Parish Council met at the time and resolved, with the support of residents, to fight any closure.

The authority is now also investigating the possibility of a developer building a brand new medical centre in the village.

Dr Christine Hearmon, practice partner for SMG, earlier this week said: “This is not a position that we wanted to be in.

“Unfortunately, we are facing a perfect storm and unless we act now, then our ability to continue providing GP services will be significantly compromised.

“We highlighted some of the issues that we are facing back in June 2017 and since then our team has been working very hard to recruit new GPs, but, as is the case in practices up and down the country, that is proving to be very difficult and our position has actually worsened.”

Sedgefield MP Phil Wilson has pledged to make efforts to keep all four surgeries open.

He told The Northern Echo: “There are bigger issues at play here - national issues that are starting to affect communities.”

Mr Wilson believes uncertainty around Brexit is affecting GP recruitment from abroad while GPs are retiring and leaving vacancies which are unable to be filled.

The politician intends to raise the recruitment crisis during the four days of debate to follow the Autumn Budget statement on Monday.

A six-week consultation process started yesterday during which SGM will be working with patients and other stakeholders, to explain the options and seek views on short, medium and long term plans.