DARLINGTON’S fire station will be completely rebuilt in an attempt to modernise and sustain it for the future.

Work is expected to begin as early as spring 2019 on the redevelopment of the St Cuthbert’s Way station, which also houses the North East Ambulance Service.

The Northern Echo understands that the significant project will see the current station demolished to make way for a more modern building on the same site.

With the station currently being in a deteriorating state of repair, it is hoped that the work will ensure that the site is brought up to a standard that can be maintained for decades.

Plans are currently at an early stage but it is believed that both the County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service (CDDFRS) and the ambulance service will have to relocate staff and resources while the work is underway.

CDDFRS head of corporate resources, Keith Lazzari, said that the redevelopment would complement on-going regeneration efforts in the town centre.

He said: “I can confirm we will be rebuilding Darlington fire station at the site of the current station on St Cuthbert’s Way in the town centre.

“At this point in time we have no finalised plans, timescales or costs for the station as we are still in the consultation stage, but I can say it is likely building work will get underway in the springtime of next year.

“We have taken the decision to build a new station due to the current one being almost 50 years old and therefore no longer economically viable to maintain.

“Darlington station is one of the final buildings across the service estate to see such development and we are keen to ensure the service estate is in a sustainable position for the next 50 years.

“We are delighted to be rebuilding at our existing location which is perfectly located for emergency response around the wider borough of Darlington and in an area where there’s much regeneration work going on.

“Darlington is one of our busiest stations and it’s great news that we will soon have a new fire station right in the heart of the community we serve.”

A spokeswoman for NEAS said the service had recently been made aware of the plans and would be working with their fire colleagues to “understand what the implications are for our service so we can make any necessary alternative arrangements.”

A necessary application for planning permission for the development has not yet been submitted to Darlington Borough Council.

A spokeswoman for the authority said: “A planning application will need to be submitted and approved before any works can commence.”