A SEAL has made a remarkable recovery after suffering horrific injuries from discarded fishing gear.

Rescuers at Blue Reef Tynemouth Marine Rescue Centre saved Helena the seal after she was caught in ‘ghost’ fishing gear, leading to the removal of her eye.

The team rescued Helena at St Mary’s island in Whitley Bay in July and hope to release her back into the wild in the coming weeks.

Terry Mckonne, head of seal rescue said: “Helena should have no issues due to her eye once she is back in the wild.

“Seals have very sensitive whiskers which they use to detect fish, so are quite adept at hunting without good vision.”

Her injuries were caused by her becoming entangled among fishing hooks.

After freeing her from the fishing gear Helena looked to be on the mend. However, complications due to her injuries became apparent.

The rescuers decided she would need an operation to remove her eye for a chance at survival.

They knew the operation would be risky as it involved general anaesthetic causing further complications.

Helena was taken to a local vet for the operation, the surgery was a success and she is now back recovering at Blue Reef’s rescue centre.

The team are confident despite Helena’s sight issues, she will do well once released back into the wild.

The rescuers said it was lucky she was found and brought in for treatment as with her injuries it was unlikely she would have survived if left in the wild.

The rescue team would like to highlight the injuries caused by discarded fishing gear and the dangers of marine debris.

Visitors can visit Helena and monitor her progress when visiting Blue Reef Aquarium.

Staff are also giving advice to the public on what can be done to help our wild seal populations.