CHAMPION grower Jimmy Reid thinks he may have cultivated the country's biggest marrow.

Mr Reid, of Gilling West, near Richmond, estimates that the green giant weighs about 90lb, and there is still a month until a round of national competitions.

He said: "Of course, you never know what other people are growing, but I hardly think anyone will have one as big as this."

He will compete at several heaviest vegetable shows, all of them in the south, including one of the leading competitions, at Malvern, in Worcestershire.

Mr Reid, 85, is well-known for growing record-breaking vegetables and has produced pumpkins weighing more than 800lbs.

Last year, he missed out on second place in a national competition because he could not find anyone to take his pumpkin to the show.

He said: "A friend of mine won with 881lbs and mine was 818lbs, which would have been second."

Mr Reid's pumpkins are something of a landmark in Gilling West, where the biggest are displayed outside the village's two pubs after the competition season.

His poly-tunnels are also full of cucumbers, which he hopes will weigh up to 20lbs, monster onions and huge leeks.

There are also tomatoes ripening -again for show.

He said: "I have won the All-England twice for my tomatoes.

"I had one that was 4lb 9oz and 24in round."

Outside, is a row of 15ft sunflowers and pots of dahlias for early autumn shows.

He said the vegetables he grows are past their best for eating because of their size, and he grows only to show. He said: "I buy my veg to eat at the Co-op."

The secret of his success is good seed and the right chemicals in the correct proportions, he said, adding that he has no time for organic methods.

He said this year was difficult for growing, particularly because of the cold nights.

Mr Reid's interest in growing vegetables stemmed from his childhood in Sunderland, when his mother grew all the family's fresh produce.

After wartime service with the Merchant Navy, he ran a demolition business, but retirement gave him the chance to devote more time to his garden.

Can you beat Mr Reid's marrow? Or are you growing any other monster fruits or vegetables? Call our newsdesk on 01325-505-065.