DR Who is to lead a new North-East orchestra on a musical journey through time.

Colin Baker, who played the sixth Doctor between 1984 and 1986, will present the debut concert of the 32-piece Customs House Concert Orchestra in Lanchester, County Durham - home village of founder and conductor George Hastings.

The concert, in Lanchester Methodist Church, in Front Street, next Saturday, will examine various eras of popular music.

Mr Hastings, a conductor and composer, is a friend and business partner of the actor. He said: "We decided to form the orchestra as there are not many north of London offering an alternative to classical music.''

The orchestra will be based at the Customs House theatre in South Shields, South Tyneside, where it will perform on October 3.

Customs House director Ray Spencer said: "George has brought together some of the North-East's top musicians and we are delighted to be associated with this exciting orchestra."

Tickets for the Lanchester show cost £10 (concessions £7.50) and are available from Lanchester News, Lanchester Post Office or by calling 0191-454-1234.