A COMMUNITY centre has secured the last part of the funding jigsaw for its long-running refurbishment project.

Neville Community Centre, in Neville Parade, Newton Aycliffe, has undergone a series of improvements since it became independent in 2003.

The former over-60s club has been transformed by the trustees of the Friends of Senior Citizens charity, that now runs the building.

However, the 35-year-old centre still has a flat roof, typical of Newton Aycliffe's architecture, which will be replaced with a pitched one.

"The issue with the roof has been going on since we took the building over," said Peter Beaty, chairman of the trustees.

"Over the years, we've had to spend about £20,000 patching it up in various places, but it really needs to be fixed properly.

"At its worst, we have been collecting a rubbish bin full of water which had to be emptied every day, and we have even had the internal ceiling collapse above the changing rooms. We have just muddled through, sometimes with buckets and pans all over, but we've still managed to increase the number of users from 50 to 350 a week."

The community centre has already benefited from a series of improvements including a new kitchen, lounge, heating, toilets and hall floor.

The latest grant of £34,763, from Sedgefield Borough Council's Local Improvement Programme, will pay for the new roof, a disabled toilet and a fence around the building.

Chris Donaghie, from the council, confirmed the money had been approved, but said there would be an inspection of the building before it is released.

Mr Beaty said that contractors who previously inspected the building gave it a glowing report.

"Once we get this roof done, we will have one of the best halls in the district. Despite all the water, it's basically sound," he said.

"We have been fundraising for the roof for about five years and I will be delighted to see it finished.

"Presently, the roof has a 5ft wall round it, which sometimes fills up like a swimming pool, so you can imagine the kind of problems we have been having."

A tabletop sale takes place at the centre next Saturday, from 10am until 1pm. For more information about that or the centre, call 01325-313924.