BRITAIN will stop being shocked by the murder of an 11-year-old such as Rhys Jones unless its gun culture is tackled urgently, David Cameron warned yesterday.

The Conservative leader said people would greet even such a tragic killing with a shrug, because young victims of violent crime were becoming commonplace.

He called instead for the shooting to become a turning point that compelled the public to say: "I have had enough of all this."

Speaking in Oxfordshire, Mr Cameron said: "We can carry on as we are, until we stop even being shocked at events like the shooting of an 11-year-old boy.

"And, I promise you, unless we choose to change, that is exactly what will happen.

"Our shock today will turn into a shrug tomorrow, just a kind of impotent ache about the state of the world.

"Or we can say to ourselves and to each other: 'I have had enough of all this. I have seen enough mothers burying their sons. I will not put up with this in my community any more'."