YOUTHS campaigning for a new skatepark in Thirsk are hopeful of gaining £50,000 of Lottery funding for the venture.

Thirsk Skaters' Group is hoping to establish a £75,000 venue in the town to cater for their hobby.

The group has no definite site for its Thirsk8 Park project, but hopes to use land near Thirsk School.

The scheme comes 16 months after a skatepark on Carrs Field, in Thirsk, had to be removed after only 18 months because of vandalism.

But Hambleton District Council has backed the project and is helping the skaters seek National Lottery funding.

The project is one of several schemes shortlisted for a district council application for Big Lottery funding.

The project is also supported by Thirsk Town Council, which is keen to see the new facility established.

Councillor Jan Marshall, of the town council, said: "I am highly delighted for them and I'm sure the town council will fully support their bid for £50,000.

"I'm hopeful that the site at the school, if that is the one picked, will work and will not have the problems of Carrs Field.

"There is natural supervision at the school site from other properties, while there was none at Carrs Field.

"This is a good site for the skatepark, with definite advantages, and North Yorkshire County Council's youth team supports it being there."

The county council has been heavily involved in helping Thirsk Skaters Group find a site for the project.

Several locations have been looked at including land at Thirsk High School and at Gravel Hole Lane. The nearest skatepark is in Northallerton - a 20-mile round-trip away.

The district council is to enter an application to gain £200,000 of Big Lottery funding for several schemes.

But Kate Staines, the district's arts development officer, said: "The Thirsk skatepark is one of the schemes being put forward.

"But the application does not go to the Big Lottery until September and the outcome is not known until December."

Funding is being sought from sources such as the Big Lottery Play Initiative and Sports England and the group also hopes to stage fundraising events.