A NIGHTCLUB at the centre of a 6am licence bid was badly damaged in a fire which broke out in the early hours yesterday.

Thirty firefighters, using six appliances and an aerial ladder platform, tackled the blaze, at Decades, a first-floor premises in a terraced building in Front Street, Consett, County Durham.

Last night, businessman Sudkev "Sonny" Gill, who also runs the nearby Red Velvet lap dancing club, said he was determined to be up and running again as soon as possible - and would continue to pursue his licence bid.

Police had initially thought the blaze to be a result of an arson attack, but following further investigation and an examination of the scene, they ruled out foul play.

Mr Gill said: "I am devastated. I never believed the fire was started deliberately.

"I have no enemies. Nobody would want to do something like this to us."

Several calls alerted the brigade to the blaze, which appeared to have started in the cavity of a flat roof, shortly after 5.15am.

Two crews from Consett station initially attended, but the aerial ladder platform, from Durham, and further back-up crews plus a support vehicle, were also called out.

The fire severely damaged the nightclub and roof space, while adjoining premises and businesses below suffered some water damage as the blaze was fought.

There were fears, at one stage, that the fire would spread to the Empire Theatre, next door.

Station manager Paul Matthews, of the Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service, said: "There is a flat roof area at the back of the building and we were concerned the fire could spread to the theatre, but we were able to stop this from happening."

Roads in the vicinity, which were closed as the fire was tackled, were eventually reopened - although the immediate vicinity in Front Street remained closed for several hours.

Detective Sergeant Paul D'eath said: "Police and fire investigators have been in the building for some time and are certain the cause was an accidental electrical fault."

The police are objecting to an application by Mr Gill to extend the opening time at Decades from 2.30am to 6am.

Derwentside District Council's licensing committee was due to hear the application this week, but Mr Gill temporarily withdrew it, to enable him to submit extra evidence to meet concerns over taxi availability.

He said last night: "I am determined to be up and running as fast and as professionally as possible.

"And I am still going ahead with my case to extend the opening hours of the club."