A NEW exhibition featuring a private collection of Roman helmet cheek-pieces not ever displayed together has gone on show.

Saving Face, at Segedunum Roman Fort and Museum, in Wallsend, explores the significance of the Roman helmet cheek-piece, and also features a loan from the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne and a fragment of rare iron cheek-piece.

Alex Croom, keeper of archaeology at Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums said: “It’s amazing to have a close view of these cheek-pieces and see the level of detail they put into the decoration.

“This collection also gives an idea of the great range and variety to be found in Roman helmets over the centuries.”

Geoff Woodward, museum manager said: “Helmet cheek-pieces were small but important elements of Roman armour protection, and their style and condition can offer us a very personal connection with the soldiers that wore them.

“We are very privileged to have a unique collection not seen together in public before, on loan from a private collector especially for this exhibition.”

The fragment of an iron cheek-piece which was excavated from Segedunum in 1998 is rare as there are not many known decorated iron cheek-pieces.

A cheek-piece dredged from the mouth of the River Tyne (from a possible shipwreck or votive offering) is also included in the exhibition

A whole helmet on display has two different names punched into it, while cavalry cheek-pieces on include depictions of two dogs attacking a stag, and an eagle attacking a cobra. Mars the God of War and Minerva are shown on other examples too, as are mythological twins Castor and Pollux.

Marks upon Roman armour could be deeply personal providing an insight into the soldier who owned it. Roman soldiers were required to buy their own armour, so often those on a smaller salary may have obtained second hand armour that they altered to suit their own tastes.

Often cavalry soldiers had more decoration on their helmets as they were paid more than infantry soldiers. The decorations varied from floral or geometric designs to animals, military equipment and deities, although commonly an ear was depicted.

Segedunum Roman Fort and Museum is on the original site of the actual Hadrian’s ‘Wall’s End’.