A FORMER military man has been jailed for three years for sexually assaulting a child.

Raymond Armstrong was convicted by a jury on what a judge described as “compelling evidence”.

The 59-year-old disputed any sexual wrongdoing during a trial last month, and returned to Teesside Crown Court to be sentenced after being remanded in custody.

Judge Stephen Ashurst said the two-week gap would give the ex-army driver time behind bars to reflect on his continued denials.

Being sentenced over a live video-link from Durham Prison, Armstrong was told by the judge that his actions have had a profound effect on his victim and family.

And Judge Ashurst said he was pleased to read in a report that he told a probation officer: “If that’s what was said, I must have done it.”

He added: “Because sexual abuse of children is rightly regarded as very serious offending, many who commit offences like this find it difficult to come to terms with their behaviour, and it is not altogether surprising, having read the pre-sentence report, that you have some way to go before acknowledging what you actually did.

“I am pleased to note that you do not now dispute what was said, and I hope in the fullness of time that it can be passed on that you accept it was the truth.”

He said the victim was “an innocent child” who had suffered a significant character change who he hoped would be able to move on.

The judge said: “I have had read the pre-sentence report in which there is an acknowledgement by you that those who offend against children have to be punished and, and you acknowledge you have to be sent to custody today.

“That shows a degree of recognition of harm and your need, in fullness of time, to accept the help which will be on offer.”

Kristian Cavanagh, for Armstrong, of Elder Road, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, who was found guilty of two charges of sexual assault, said: “There are mitigating features, not least the defendant’s good character.

“The defendant is accepting of the jury’s verdict, and the custodial sentence that will follow.”