p>COUNCILLORS have awarded almost £60,000 towards a playing field revamp after young villagers put their plea for better facilities on the silver screen.

Sedgefield Borough Council has agreed to donate £58,900 from its local improvement programme (LIP) to help refurbish the Children's Memorial Playing Field, in Fishburn.

Local businessman Arthur Santi gave the site to the community in the Forties, for use as a children's recreational area.

Held in trust since then, the site has gradually declined and now requires a complete refurbishment.

The trustee of the park, the Children's Memorial Playing Field Trust, has called for help to improve the facility.

But it was the co-operation of local children that made the bid to finance the refurbishment successful.

Children from Fishburn created a film called The Day after Yesterday, to highlight the need for a good playground to improve the environment for themselves and future generations.

The DVD, funded by Awards for All and produced by Capture Films, caught the attention of the authority's cabinet members when they considered the grant application.

Youngsters persuaded members that the scheme will expand community assets, support community engagement and improve access to open space and healthy activities.

Council leader Agnes Armstrong said: "The children from Fishburn have played a meaningful part in regenerating their local area.

"This is their play area and, therefore, it was essential that they told us what they wanted."

John Irvine, chairman of the trust, said: "The DVD was a very imaginative means of expressing their views.

"It sets out the background to the play area project and includes interviews with local children about what they wanted from the project.

"Their research was very thorough and involved visiting other play areas to select appropriate equipment, as well as looking into issues such as how to curb local anti-social behaviour among young people.

"The DVD has been used to attract funding and in consultation with residents of the village. We are delighted to have secured all the funding required to take the project forward."

The LIP grant will cover 55 per cent of improvement costs and local groups and charitable trusts will provide the rest.

Fishburn Parish Council has agreed to maintain the site after refurbishment.