SCOUTS have marked the centenary of the movement by helping to develop a hospital garden.

The Friarage Scoutlink group has marked Scouting's 100th birthday with the garden at the entrance to the Friarage Hospital, in Northallerton.

The group, for youngsters who cannot access mainstream Scouting, worked with the hospital on the scheme.

Steven Brown, group Scout leader, said: "The Scouts wanted to have a lasting memory of the centenary year and wanted to do something that would benefit the local community and be enjoyed for years to come."

The garden was designed by Ray Porter, estates manager, and Martyn Coyle, head groundsman at the Friarage.

It was supported by the York and North Yorkshire Community Foundation.

Yorkshire Building Society's Northallerton branch also gave a £500 donation from the society's Community Investment Fund.

Hospital maintenance manager Julian Verity said: "We would like to say a big thank you to Scoutlink, the Scouts and everyone who helped create the garden and make the project such a success.

"This is a great example of local community spirit."