POLICE seized thousands of pounds worth of cannabis plants and cultivating equipment in a raid on a house in Willington, County Durham this morning.

Beat officers discovered the drugs farm in the two upstairs bedrooms of the terraced house in Wesley Street, after complaints from neighbours about a strange smell.

Sgt Shaun Davis said they recovered 106 plants in total, made up of three fully mature specimens, 21 medium sized, 75 small plants and six seedlings. But a large number of stripped stalks indicated many more mature plants had already been harvested.

He said: "This was a very sophisticated operation. The two upstairs bedrooms had their windows boarded up and were equipped with special ventilation, lighting and watering systems.

"The equipment alone must have cost thousands of pounds. In addition we found a large package of cannabis leaves in readiness to be shipped out."

The raid was carried out by seven uniformed officers and police community support officers from the local beat team.

They forced their way into the property just before 8.00am and spent the next five hours removing the plants and equipment all of which is now currently being held in police cells at Crook.

No one was in the property at the time of the raid. It is believed to be rented by two local men who are currently being hunted by police.

Anyone who has information on activities at the house is asked to contact 0845 6060 365 or ring Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.