AN UPHOLSTERER who accepted a small bag of cocaine in a nightclub has been fined.

Door staff witnessed James Cameran Hall, 24, being handed a clear plastic bag containing white powder as he sat with friends in Darlington’s Harvey’s venue, off Blackwellgate.

Hall, of Cooperative Street, in Shildon, was followed into the toilets of the nightclub by staff who found the Class A drug on the 24-year-old, which was later proven to be cocaine.

Addressing Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, Emma Barker, prosecuting, said: “In interview, the defendant said ‘my mate told me it was cocaine and he told me to take it on the chin’.”

An amount of 0.4g of the drug was found inside the bag following the incident on Saturday, February 24.

Stephen Andrews, mitigating, aid: “The amount was entirely consistent with personal use.”

Hall pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine and was fined £67. He must also pay £85 costs and £30 victim surcharge.