There has been a steep rise in the number of cancers linked to lifestyle factors, statistics revealed yesterday.

Cancer Research UK published figures on cancers linked to alcohol, smoking, obesity and the exposure to the sun.

It said rates of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, have risen by more than 40 per cent in the past decade, making it the fastest rising cancer in the UK.

Cases of mouth, womb, and kidney cancers have also shown rapid increases in the last ten years.

Research has shown that around half of cancers could be prevented by changes to lifestyle. The charity said it was worried about the increases because some cases were potentially avoidable.

The figures, based on 1995 to 2004, showed that malignant melanoma has risen by 43 per cent; mouth cancer by 23 per cent and womb cancer by 21 per cent.

Kidney cancer has gone up 14 per cent over the same period.

Cancer Research UK and the UK Association of Cancer Registries issued the study, which found that rates of malignant melanoma have doubled since the mid-80s in women.

Although rates are higher in women, rates have tripled in men in the same period.

Too much exposure to the sun accounts for the vast majority of cases, according to the charity.

Sara Hiom, Cancer Research UK's director of health information, said: "We're very concerned that cases of malignant melanoma are spiralling.

"Exposure to UV radiation in sunlight is the main cause of skin cancer.

"Most cases of this disease could be prevented if people protected themselves in the sun and took care not to burn.

"Most cases of mouth cancer occur in people who smoke or chew tobacco and regularly drink alcohol.

"As well as encouraging people to reduce their risk of mouth cancer, our priority is to raise awareness of the early warning signs of the disease, as this helps doctors find cancers at an early stage when treatment is easier and there is a good chance of a cure."

Experts do not know exactly what causes womb cancer.

However, overweight and obese women are twice as likely to develop it as women who maintain a healthy weight.

Two of the main risk factors for kidney cancer are smoking and being overweight.

Scientists believe smoking doubles the risk of kidney cancer but the risk could drop if people give up.

Ms Hiom added: "Everyone can help reduce their risk of cancer by avoiding smoking, keeping a healthy body weight, eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and fibre and taking regular exercise.

"Enjoying the sun safely and avoiding sunburn also helps to reduce cancer risk and we encourage people to get to know their bodies and see their doctor if they notice anything unusual."