A WOMAN was left terrified when her drink and drug-fuelled boyfriend smashed his way into her home believing she had another man inside, a court heard.

Paranoid and jealous Liam Owen hurled a slab through a patio door after she refused to let him in shouting: “Come to the door. Someone is in there.”

Once inside he confronted her in the bedroom. The frightened shop worker had already dialled 999 and thrown her mobile phone under her bed to allow the emergency services to hear what was happening.

She tried to fend off Owen, but he shoved her over, upturned the bed and took the £225 handset, prosecutor Jenny Haigh told Teesside Crown Court.

The 26-year-old, of Grantley Avenue, Middlesbrough, was today jailed for 20 months after he admitted burglary on May 29.

The court heard he was the subject of a non-molestation order, but the couple had spent some time together “on an off-on basis”.

He has now had a restraining order imposed banning him from going near her home, loitering outside or going to the shop where she works.

The indefinite order also prevents him from contacting her on social media or posting messages mentioning her name.

Judge Howard Crowson told Owen: “For her, it must have been a bad relationship, and maybe it took her some time to realise that.

“It may be something you need to work on, but you had a very irrational and unjustified jealousy which caused her to be frightened of you.”

The court heard Owen has previous convictions which involve violence in a domestic setting, and had a “real problem” with cocaine which once left him in hospital.

Garry Wood, mitigating, said Owen had gone to the house and asked to be let in, and throwing the concrete through the glass was “impulsive” when he was refused.

“This isn’t in the mould of the stereotypical burglary. This is more of a domestic incident.”

In a statement, the victim said she was so frightened of Owen that she has since moved home.