A COMMUNITY arts centre is turning its hand to weddings as it prepares to host a handcrafted wedding market next month.

The Witham, in Barnard Castle, will be home to the market on September 17, from 11am until 3pm.

Organised by the Designer Makers Market with the support of Vintage Essence,the aim of the market is to bring creativity to every couple's big day with handmade inspiration for weddings, naming ceremonies and special occasions.

The Witham will be bustling with designer makers selling their bespoke work, demonstrating their skills and offering the opportunity to have-a-go.

For those looking for something different for weddings, civil ceremonies, hen or stag parties, there will also be lots of ideas for alternatives with a range of stallholders offering independent businesses from Barnard Castle to artisan crafters from all over the North-East.

The arts centre, which can now hold events including weddings, will also be dressed so brides and grooms can envisage what it might look like on their wedding day.

Everyone attending this year’s event will be entered into a free prize draw to win a voucher for a bespoke oak memory box kindly donated by Veterans Woodcraft from Phoenix House in Catterick.

Kathryn Guy, of the Designer Makers Market said: “I’m thrilled to have been asked by the Witham to organise their wedding event – it’s always a pleasure to hold my Designer Makers Markets there.

"I know we can offer something much more inspiring than the norm”.

For more information about holding your celebrations and other events at The Witham, drop in during opening hours every Tuesday to Friday, from 10am to 4pm, call 01833 631107 or visit thewitham.org.uk