A COUNCIL has been praised by an independent watchdog for continuing to give good value for money.

District Auditor Steve Nicklin, who carried out the Audit Commission's anual audit on Stockton Borough Council, says the local authority is in a sound financial position and performs well in most areas of financial management.

There was particular praise for the council's services for children and young people, which has already been assessed as excellent - the first in the North-East to be so judged - while the council's benefits service has now improved to an excellent rating as well.

Mr Nicklin's report to councillors said: "The council has taken effective action over the past two years to ensure that its medium-term financial strategy, budgets and capital programme are soundly based and are designed to deliver its strategic priorities."

Councillor Ken Lupton, the council's leader, said of the report, which looked at the year 2005 to 2006: "We recognise that local people have a rising expectation for high-quality services, and employees and councillors have worked hard to achieve this.

"The auditor has pointed to a few areas where we can do better - particularly in improving local transport - and we are already working to address these."