Cryptic Clues

1 Peg has books about revolutionary dictator (8)
9 Another relation from the east (8)
10 Capsized in the French river (4)
11 Scriptural exegesis reveals God in cute dress inside (12)
13 Boy admits support for heading off dog (8)
15 Without delay Charles goes in to make up for deficiencies (2,4)
16 Her source of entertainment is in this place (4)
17 Plant in south facing border (5)
18 Plant a bit of edelweiss with some expectation of success (4)
20 Helping to make pate, a servant relaxed (2,4)
21 Put at risk close to rifle range (8)
23 Tim has each renovated and gets profit repeatedly (4,3,5)
26 Offhand sprite loses foot (4)
27 Generosity of the French king say returning empty sacks to England (8)
28 Conservative politician, after initially objecting, made an intentionally false statement and yielded to the wishes of others (8)

2 Start at home before I visit gallery around one (8)
3 Victory is assured in this single offshore trial of speed (3-5,4)
4 Hepworth's earliest art works with earth and string engender intense dislike (6)
5 Carry model back to Spain (4)
6 Dog found in river valley (8)
7 Sewing case made by Native American people turned up on island (4)
8 It can be used in windows I hear with something that can't be seen through (5,3)
12 Toot horn at the outset before Dan breaks catch with all possible fury (5,3,4)
14 Travel on horseback over German mountain range (5)
16 Very enthusiastic about the Italian (8)
17 Sulphur barrel held up by head of town (8)
19 Oddly perverse to guard against decay (8)
22 Princess made free with crown (6)
24 Injure unknown girl (4)
25 This smart chap gets cold carrying beer (4)