VILLAGERS are preparing for a fun-packed carnival this weekend.

Bowes Carnival will kick-off tomorrow, with a fun family football event for all aged over nine on the school field.

Players should arrive at 5.45pm for a 6pm kick-off and all players need to wear shin pads.

On Saturday, the carnival’s fancy dress parade - with a TV and film theme - will be led by the Teesside-based Rhythm Train Samba Band.

This year’s carnival queen is Bowes Hutchinson Primary School pupil, Sophie Watson, who will be accompanied by attendants Ella Alderson and Holly Whittle.

They will be joined by herald Thomas Newcombe; flower girls Daisy Hall and Grace Simpson; crown bearer Edward Sayer and pages Elliot Hutchinson and Callum Dent.

After the judging there will be more fun on the school field with bouncy castles, side stalls, games, music from Barnard Castle Band and family entertainment, provided by Pete White’s Suitcase Circus while a family games night with a disco will be held in the village hall, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

The annual family sports day, including the popular Welly Wanging contest, will then take place on Sunday afternoon and conclude with the draw of the carnival raffle.