YOUNG people have been recognised for their work in their community at an awards ceremony that could become an annual tradition.

Northallerton mayor John Prest welcomed the initiative by Northallerton Rotary Club, which was held in the town's Black Bull pub.

The awards were instigated by Rotary Club branch president Clive Harries and are the result of two years of preparation.

Members wanted to reward youngsters who lived up to the Rotary motto -service above self.

Individuals and groups including the Air Cadets, the Scouts, and the Variety Club made nominations. The winners were Natasha Barber, Adrian Jack, Charlotte Myers, Shaun Lane and Emily Simpson.

Natasha was nominated by the Air Cadets for the voluntary work she does for the group and elsewhere in the community.

Adrian, who attends Northallerton College, is a Scout and helps out his local branch as well as being involved with the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards scheme. Charlotte was nominated by one of the youth workers in Northallerton and helps with several initiatives in that area.

She was also a Millennium Volunteer.

Shaun was nominated by the Variety Club. He is a perfor- mer with the club, and helps behind the schemes and with the group's fundraising activities, which benefit children.

Emily is also a local volunteer, despite having to manage a bone condition.

They were congratulated by Coun Prest and given prizes and certificates. He said he hoped the Rotary club would continue with the scheme and that it became a regular duty of the mayor to present the awards.