THE family of a woman who defied breast cancer by becoming a charity fashion model is organising a fundraising event in her memory.

A year after Ruth Wallace, 32, from Guisborough, east Cleveland, died in The James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, a garden party is being organised to celebrate her life and raise money for the cancer unit where she was treated.

The event, at the Guisborough Hall Hotel, will take place on Sunday, July 1.

It is being organised by Ruth's sister, Jayne Groover, and her mother, Jean Peacock.

Ms Wallace battled breast cancer for six years before she died.

In October 2003, she joined breast cancer sufferers modelling clothes at the Breast Cancer Care charity's main fundraising event at the Hilton Hotel, in London.

It led to a series of similar appearances, culminating in her becoming the cover girl for the event brochure.

She was also offered modelling assignments by several companies.

Mrs Groover, who lives in North Carolina, in the US, said: "We wanted to carry on where she left off. It would mean a lot to her.

"We are getting great support from local people and businesses."

Tickets for the 3pm garden party are £25 for adults and £7.50 for children. Entry is free for under-fives.

Mrs Groover said: "It will be a family- oriented event with a hot lunch and we will have a range of attractions, including a bouncy castle, hair-braiding, face-painting and a raffle."

Tickets are available from shops in Guisborough or on 07739-806419.