LOCAL clubs, schools and other organisations - particularly BME groups or groups working within BME communities - are being invited to a special funding workshop run by the Football Foundation, the UK's largest sports charity.

The idea is to ensure that the hardest-to-reach groups in the North- East can learn at first hand the types of funding that is available to them - and how they can get it.

The workshop is taking place on June 26 at the Crowtree Leisure Centre, Crowtree Road, Sunderland, SR1 3EL.

Staff from the Foundation will be on hand to talk local people through the funding process and give tips on what makes a successful application.

Grants are available from the Foundation to deliver football activities or fund community schemes that tackle society's key challenges like obesity or promoting diversity.

Funding for these types of project are available from the Foundation's Small Grants and Community and Education departments.

As language and cultural issues can often be barriers for BME groups to understanding the funding opportunities that are available, organisations from ethnic minorities are being particularly encouraged to attend the workshops.

The Football Foundation is dedicated to revitalising the grass roots of the game, constructing modern football facilities, developing football as a force for social cohesion and as a vehicle for education in communities throughout the country.

Funded by the Premier League, The Football Association, Sport England and the Government, the Football Foundation is the nation's largest sports charity with a £45m budget going straight into the heart of football.

Paul Thorogood, Chief Executive of the Football Foundation said: "This is an opportunity for organisations in the North East to get expert advice on how to get financial support in order to run community schemes that use sport as a hook.

"I strongly urge people to register for the workshop and find out how to take advantage of the funding we can offer."

Individuals or organisations in Sunderland can get a booking form to register their attendance at the workshop by visiting the Foundation's w e b s i t e , www.footballfoundation.org.uk or by ringing Michael Rigby on 0845 345 4555 Ext: 4242 or emailing him at michael.rigby@footballfoundation.org .uk