PARENTS concerned about the weight and health of their children have been invited to join an active, fun-based course.

Children from the Durham and Chester-le-Street areas can take up free places on the Mind, Exercise, Nutrition...Do it (Mend) programme, aimed at improving health, fitness and wellbeing.

The nine-week scheme, funded by the Big Lottery Wellbeing Fund, is to start the first week in July, in Chester-le-Street, then move to Durham in September.

The scheme is expected to continue for two years.

Suitable for children from seven to 13, who must be accompanied by a parent or carer, the Mend programme was set up in response to the increasing concerns about obesity.

Sessions are to be held on two evenings a week, for nine weeks, in the pioneering programme that involves the whole family.

Supervised by qualified Mend trainers, it aims to improve the entire family's eating and exercise habits.

As well as showing that an active lifestyle can be fun, the programme will help families learn to cut fat and sugar in their diet, how to read labels, control portion sizes, set goals and rewards, tell the difference between hunger and cravings and increase their self-confidence.

Activities will include games, nutrition sessions, a supermarket tour, a recipe-tasting evening and fun group activities.

Programme manager Stephen Clough said: "We're looking for 12 families to join each programme, to work together to tackle their weight problems.

"It's a fantastic opportunity for children to get in better shape and lay the foundations for a much healthier life."

For more information, contact Mr Clough on 0191-389-5095 or visit website www.mend