AN MP is backing a campaign seeking a fair deal for diabetes sufferers.

Phil Willis, who represents Harrogate and Knaresborough, is among those calling for an end to a postcode lottery for insulin pump therapy, during Diabetes Week.

He said: "The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) has recommended that insulin pump therapy should be available as a treatment option to all sufferers of type 1 diabetes in cases where multiple dose insulin therapy has failed.

"It is unacceptable that only two per cent of sufferers in the UK are able to use pumps. The NHS will gain financial benefit if the pumps were used as there would be a reduction in primary care contracts and a reduction in hospital admissions.

"I know of many people who suffer from type 1 diabetes and the stress that this causes. I believe the use of insulin pump therapy should be available to all sufferers which will reduce the stress caused to them and their families."

Mr Willis is supporting a Commons motion calling on the Government to oversee the implementation of the Nice guidance by primary care organisations, to ensure that all type 1 diabetes sufferers have insulin pump therapy available to them.