A SINGLE mother from the region tonight missed out on a £100,000-a-year job with Sir Alan Sugar.

Despite being hot favourite, Kristina Grimes, 36, was beaten by public schoolboy Simon Ambrose in BBC One show The Apprentice.

The mother-of-one from Harrogate was visibly upset after Sir Alan announced his decision.

The North Yorkshire contestant put herself through university after giving birth at the age of 17 in a convent.

Holding back tears, she said: "I came on this intent on getting the job with Sir Alan. My heart and soul was in this so it's very tough. I was so confident, I really was.

"I wouldn't have done anything differently. I don't necessarily have to agree with the decision. At the end of the day, I'm quite emotional about it."

While Sir Alan's sidekick Margaret Mountford sang Grimes' praises, fellow advisor Nick Hewer favoured Ambrose.

In the final task, Ambrose won over architects and property experts with his design for a new building on London's South Bank.

Sir Alan dropped the bombshell by telling the pair: "Kristina, you are a thinker, you don't rush into anything.

"You're a great salesperson. You brought your child up in difficult circumstances and now it's Kristina time.

"Simon, some devil inside me says I wouldn't like to let you go either."

He then tells Ambrose: "Bloody old fool that I am, I'm going to take that risk, you're hired."