TRADING standards officials for Hartlepool Borough Council are warning residents to be on the lookout for a potentially dangerous novelty discovered on sale in the town.

The Love Meter is an hourglass-shaped clear glass bottle with a heart-shaped glass interior, partially filled with about 35ml of red liquid.

Tests have revealed that the liquid is methanol, a poisonous and highly flammable substance that can cause serious injury and, if swallowed, could be fatal.

The printed label attached to the product states: "Love Meter - put your love to the test! Hold the Love Meter in the palm of your hand. Watch the liquid. If it boils to the top, you're a red hot lover!"

When held at the base, the glass becomes warm and the liquid heats up, causing it to rise in a fountain effect.

Michael Welsh, the council's principal trading standards officer, said: "Under normal circumstances the glass is unlikely to break, but situations could arise where it might be damaged.

"For instance, a group of lads or lasses in a pub during a hen or stag party could accidentally break the glass during their celebrations, with possibly drastic results."

All stocks of the Love Meter have been withdrawn from sale locally. However, trading standards officials are asking people to contact them on 01429-523302 if they are aware of any similar products on sale elsewhere.