THE sums and equations involved in everyday life in Durham are revealed in a new maths trail.

The 26-question trail shows how numbers are involved in buildings and business around city centre locations, including the Market Place and Durham Cathedral.

Dr James Blowey, a maths lecturer at Durham University, has helped put the trail together.

He said: "The aim is to get people interested in mathematics. We want to show much maths there is around us - for example, the angles in the Rose Window at the cathedral. It's important that we give a more positive impression of maths."

Copies of the maths trail cost 50p and can be bought from Durham's tourist information office.

Dr Blowey will hand out free copies outside the Gala Theatre tonight, between 7pm and 8.30pm.

A prize of a Rubik's cube bearing a Durham University logo will be awarded for the best entry returned to him.

Any money raised from the maths trail, or donations, will go to the Student Community Action charity.