A SCHOOL has acquired specialist status as a business and enterprise college.

Greencroft Community School, in Annfield Plain, is now eligible for £70,000 a year from the Government for the next three years.

The money will be used to enhance the school's facilities and take on more staff to improve educational standards for students.

The school will focus more on using technology in the curriculum and encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit among pupils.

Acting headteacher John Gibb said: "The main focus will be preparing students for employment in the 21st Century.

"Skills of team-building, decision-making, communication and risk-taking will become an integral part of teaching and learning at Greencroft.

"The extra money will help increase our staffing level and reduce class sizes.

"It will help provide more opportunities for out-of-hours school events."

The public is also too benefit because, they will have access to the equipment.

Small firms are to be encouraged to make use of modern technology and courses to enhance their business.

Parents will be able to come in outside school hours to develop their numeracy and literacy skills, as well as gaining more technical know-how to support their children.

Mr Gibb said: "We have already had ICT classes for parents, to make them more computer literate, and this is something we hope to enhance."

The school has received a one-off payment of £150,000 to upgrade the school.

The cash was used to take on maths teacher Tom Bailey and ICT teacher Rachel Smith, as well as ICT technician Paul Parkinson.

The school is looking for two more support staff.

The music room has been modernised and the science block has been converted to an ICT suite with new 24 computers.

Six computers have been installed in each of the maths labs.

There is now one computer for every three students at the school.

Mr Gibb said: "Everyone has access to them and it is so everyone can leave with a an ICT qualification, which they don't at present.

"I feel very excited at the way Greencroft is moving forward at the moment.