AN eight-year-old disabled girl has begged cowardly yobs to stop terrorising her family.

Demi Lewis, who suffers from cerebral palsy, and her petrified family have been forced to flee their Middlesbrough home after more than a week of attacks.

Now hiding in a safe house, they never want to go back.

Demi's mother, 23-year-old Diane Lewis, says she is sick with fear after the gang threw bricks through her windows, set light to family cars and urinated against the bungalow, which is specially modified for Demi, who uses a wheelchair and walking aid.

"I can't eat," said betting shop assistant Ms Lewis. "I've lost nearly a stone in weight.

"We don't dare even go to the shops in case they're there. It's my home, but I want out."

She said Demi wants to send a message to those responsible.

"She keeps telling me she wants to say to these lads, 'thank you very much for destroying my house. I hope you've got what you've wanted. Now please leave us alone'.

"She's eight years old. She shouldn't be having to think about things like that."

Last Sunday, youths from a gang of about 20 knocked on the door and demanded the family handed over cigarettes, but were turned away.

Later, three of the gang unleashed a series of attacks, trying to batter down the door and smashing windows with stones, bricks, a knuckle duster, a spade and even a bicycle.

Inspector Dave Smith, of the Coulby Newham neighbourhood policing team, said: "We have responded to a number of incidents at the address and three males have been questioned on suspicion of criminal damage."