A FORMER soldier who has served in some of the most dangerous countries in the world has decided to take on his local council in his latest fight.

Jim Willis has spent the past 17 days under canvass as he tries to prevent a housing development starting on Coatham Common, in Redcar, east Cleveland.

The former Green Howard served in Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo and the Gulf, during his 22 years service, but now he is to face Redcar and Cleveland Borough council in court over his decision to build a camp on the controversial site.

The 44-year-old, of High Street West, Redcar, pitched his tent on the site as the council erected fencing to prevent public access.

An earlier move to have the land designated a village green failed after an inquiry.

But campaigners now believe recent legal rulings mean they stand a good chance of success.

Mr Willis says he is the unnamed man that the council is going to Middlesbrough County Court to evict off the site today.

He said: "I think I have been very successful in getting my point across. I have had plenty of support from other residents in the area and obviously the council have decided to take legal action to get me off the land."

Signs have been put up revoking permission for public use of the land for recreation.

Councillor George Dunning, leader of the council, said: "We will be taking the proper legal action to remove protestors from the site to ensure the development can go ahead."

In April, the council's planning committee approved plans by Persimmon Homes for the £88m Coatham Links housing and leisure development.

Councillor Sheelagh Clarke, deputy leader and cabinet member for culture, leisure and tourism said: "While I fully admire the actions of anyone who stands up to be heard, we must accept that approval of this development has been sought through open and democratic processes."

Councillor Dave McLuckie, the cabinet member for community protection, said: "We are also aware of ongoing damage to fencing and property on the site which is generating considerable costs to the council.

"We are monitoring the situation to establish the most appropriate course of action. Should any criminal activity be identified, this will not be tolerated.