A RURAL bridge is to be officially re-opened after £1.3m of repairs - two years to the day after it was washed away by flash floods.

Heavy rain caused severe flooding across North Yorkshire in June 2005, with Hawnby, near Helmsley, badly hit.

The floods all but washed away the 18th Century Shaken Bridge on June 19. Heavy rain caused the River Rye to swell and the torrent of water washed away one arch of the bridge.

North Yorkshire County Council has spent 39 weeks repairing the bridge.

Modern construction methods have been used to strengthen the bridge, but retain its original appearance.

The re-opening will mark the second anniversary of the floods.

County councillor John Fort, executive member for business and environmental services, said: "This has been a major achievement by the council and by the contractors working on our behalf.

"Anyone who saw the incredible scenes of devastation two years ago will appreciate the tremendous amount of work that was required to repair the damage."

In total, £3.5m has been spent repairing roads and bridges affected by the floods in the Hambleton and northern Ryedale areas.